I want to force myself to read more, and putting on an album isn't the best way, would be better to just read with a timer to commit, but there's noise outside my window, so I like to put on pleasant things, and it's cool to hear music. So I'm going to list albums I'm listening to. I'm going to favor instrumental albums and update, and change if I don't actually listen to albums I'm projecting into the future. Will link to wikipedia page of famous albums. And artist. 12/30/2024. Hot Rats (1969) by Frank Zappa . Second track has vocals. ( Spotify ). Frank Zappa – guitar, octave bass, percussion Ian Underwood – piano, organus maximus, flute, all clarinets, all saxes Also featuring Captain Beefheart – vocals on "Willie the Pimp" Max Bennett – bass on all tracks except "Peaches en Regalia" Shuggie Otis – bass on "Peaches en Regalia" John Guerin – drums on "Willie the Pimp", "Little Umbrellas" and "It M...